Email - Error


Received message: 

  • We've noticed you are sending a lot of emails, please come back later

Do I understnd that Sage Accounting limits the number of emails I can send over a period of time. 

Was sending invoices to customers...



  • 0

    Hi  ,

    Thanks for reaching out with your concern. In your case, as you were sending invoices to customers, it's possible you've hit such a limit. If you've been using the batch processing features for statements or receipts as described in the articles, that could quickly accumulate a large number of emails, triggering the limit.

    Here's what you can do:

    • Wait for a short period before attempting to send more emails, as suggested in the error message.
    • Review your email settings in Sage Accounting to confirm if there's an option to adjust the email sending limit or if there's information about the imposed limit.
    • If this issue persists or if it's affecting your ability to conduct business, I would recommend contacting Sage support directly for assistance. They may be able to provide more information or increase the limit for your account.

    If you're sending a large volume of documents, consider scheduling them over time if possible.

    Warm Regards,