Sage 200 bank reconciliation reports


Hi All 

I am preparing a file to send to my accountants for year end, but I'm struggling to find the retrospective bank reconciliations report for the bank accounts that I am used to using in Sage 50, can anyone suggest another report or a report that is alike to this that I can send to the accountants as part of the year end file?



  • +1
    verified answer

    Bank transactions reconciled/unreconciled usually runs automatically when you reconcile your bank, but they are runtime reports, which can only be run at the time the reconciliation takes place.  As a workaround, you can amend the Cash Book Transaction Report and add a criteria on for CBPostedAccountTrans.LastStatementDate - which is the Statement Date entered on the top left of the Reconciliation, which you can use the criteria to filter the reconciled transactions.

  • +1
    verified answer

    Bank transactions reconciled/unreconciled usually runs automatically when you reconcile your bank, but they are runtime reports, which can only be run at the time the reconciliation takes place.  As a workaround, you can amend the Cash Book Transaction Report and add a criteria on for CBPostedAccountTrans.LastStatementDate - which is the Statement Date entered on the top left of the Reconciliation, which you can use the criteria to filter the reconciled transactions.
