How to detect the newly added currencies in Currencies and Exchange Rate form on save button click?


Hi all,

On the form Currencies and Exchange Rate, I need to detect if user have added new currency on the currenciesGrid and prompt user and at the moment the Save button is clicked. But I am not getting much information about it.

OnClick Save button, I can get the currenciesGrid items but there is no telling whether the item are newly added or not. Please help. Thank you.

  • 0

    Make a copy of the grid as the form loads, and compare it to grid when the save button is clicked.  Or count the items in the grid on load, and compare count. 

    Probably more elegant ways but I'm not going to look now.  I have beer to drink.

    Good luck

  • 0

    Make a copy of the grid as the form loads, and compare it to grid when the save button is clicked.  Or count the items in the grid on load, and compare count. 

    Probably more elegant ways but I'm not going to look now.  I have beer to drink.

    Good luck
