How to detect the newly added currencies in Currencies and Exchange Rate form on save button click?


Hi all,

On the form Currencies and Exchange Rate, I need to detect if user have added new currency on the currenciesGrid and prompt user and at the moment the Save button is clicked. But I am not getting much information about it.

OnClick Save button, I can get the currenciesGrid items but there is no telling whether the item are newly added or not. Please help. Thank you.

  • +1
    verified answer

    Get hold of the MaintainCurrenciesCoordinator object via reflection like this:

    private MaintainCurrenciesCoordinator GetCoordinator()
        FieldInfo fi = _form.UnderlyingControl.GetType().GetField("_oCurrenciesCoordinator", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
        if(fi != null)
            return (MaintainCurrenciesCoordinator) fi.GetValue(_form.UnderlyingControl);
        return null;

    Then in the form BeginSave you will be able to determine which items have been added or amended:

    private void _form_BeginSave(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
            foreach(FinancialCurrency _fc in coordinator.Currencies)
                        MessageBox.Show($"Currency {_fc.Name} has been added");
                        MessageBox.Show($"Currency {_fc.Name} has been edited");

  • 0 in reply to Chris Burke

    Thank you Chris. this is a better answer. 

    By the way, how to we know what is the coordinators for the page? is there any way to check it? I look through the Form Explorer but no info on coordinator

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