Sales Returns - How Do I Make Them Negative On A Report



I have wrote a report which gives me sales by product, country's, analysis codes etc and is pulling through our w/o cost. 

However I am really struggling with the logic of how I can turn sales returns into a negative number. Does anyone know the script?

To get the sales value reported I am using the field SOPInvoiceCredits.BaseInvoicedNetValue

I have tried a number of scripts but none of them seems to work. All I want to do is to turn this field into a negative if the SOP order type is Sales Returns. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

Parents Reply
  • 0 in reply to james beaman

    You would find it useful to get some training on this but put simply you can copy/paste the field you want to subtotal, put it in the required section, then in the Properties of the new field set the Function to Sum

    Also important in having it subtotal correctly are the Evaluate Section and Reset Section settings; the correct settings for these will depend on how your report is designed, so best to have a play.
