Items marked as boms when they are bought parts. Would this affect MRP?


Hi, can someone answer the question or whether a stock item that is listed as a built part and has a bom attached to it, which has no operations or components because its actually a bought part, would affect anything in MRP if its listed as a subassembly in another bom that has a work order created for it? 

I have noticed that we have nearly 600 items that are in this exact state and I am trying work out if MRP will create more work when it doesnt need to, due to the item being "labelled" wrong? 

Any ideas? 

  • 0

    Hi Derrick

    You must change the BOM Details from Built Item to Built/Bought and Default Bought. This way the MRP will suggest a PO rather than a WO.

  • 0 in reply to JS_

    What is the difference between using the Component or Built Item buttons instead of the Built/Bought as that's all we have been using? 

    I'm just worried that if any items need to be changed then we need to go through all of the boms that has this item in it and it will need to be removed and put back in manually so its marked as a subassembly instead of component. Or is it simply just a case of changing it to built/bought, default bought and we are golden? 

  • 0 in reply to JS_

    What is the difference between using the Component or Built Item buttons instead of the Built/Bought as that's all we have been using? 

    I'm just worried that if any items need to be changed then we need to go through all of the boms that has this item in it and it will need to be removed and put back in manually so its marked as a subassembly instead of component. Or is it simply just a case of changing it to built/bought, default bought and we are golden? 

  • 0 in reply to Derrick Denley

    Hi Derrick

    If your item is set as a component you can't have a BOM for it. 

    Why do you have a " bom attached to it, which has no operations or components"?

    Other options would be deleting all Boms and set the item as a component.

  • 0 in reply to JS_

    Its the other way around, we have a lot of items that are in fact components but for some reason they are set as built items, have a bom with no components or operations. If they are used inside another bom they are listed as a subassembly. I just wonder if this affects what the mrp run does with them (which you did answer above) 

    I just wondered if there was any difference between using between using the different radio buttons on the BoM Details section. 

  • 0 in reply to Derrick Denley

    JS_'s recommendation is correct and is the full and final answer to this thread. To back it up here are my thoughts: -

    Adding an active BOM with no components to a Sales Order to create demand and running MPS and then MRP will result in a Make in the MRP Recommendations list. Actioning the Make results in a new works order with no components. Issuing and Completing the works order will result in an increase in the finished item stock quantity. This is incorrect processing given that in the real world you will want to process a purchase order.

    Using JS_'s suggestion of Built/Bought with default to Bought will result in a Purchase Order without the need to adjust the MRP Recommendation or add a manual Purchase Order when you realize the works order is inappropriate.