List screen total amount of selected rows


Hi There, When I used to view my sales list I could select multiple sales orders and the footer at the bottom would show me the total amount of the selected rows, However i was adding new columns to my sales list and removed the amount column by accident. Now that I've added it back it no longer shows me the total amount of my selected sales orders can someone help me with this please?


  • +1
    verified answer

    I see what you mean.

    There are a few ways to get the totals back. The first is to "Reset the desktop" (Tools / Preferences) which resets all forms and lists to their default state.  So not always a good idea.

    Two other ways aren't as straightforward. They both involve the "Formstate" file for the list which is in a Windows folder somewhere under "%APPDATA%\IsolatedStorage" - the exact location depends on the version of Sage.

    So open "%APPDATA%\IsolatedStorage" in Windows Explorer and search for "SalesOrderDesktopList" - there should be a "?_Sage.Desktop.Lists.SalesOrderDesktopListForm_desktop.formstate" file

    Option 1: delete the file.  This will reset the desktop list to it's initial state, which includes an Amount column with totals.  But you'll have to add your other columns.  You won't lose any filters!

    Option 2: edit the file.  It's an XML file so Notepad will do, but an XML editor is better!  Search for DisplayMember="TotalGrossValue" and just after that you will see ShowTotals="false". Change "false" to "true"  and save the file.

  • 0 in reply to Geoff Turner

    Thank you Geoff,

    Your my hero