
Report Designer code-watch tool

In Crystal Decisions you can test run a report and view the commands as the report steps through them during runtime – this is really useful to see where a bespoke report is falling over.

It would be very beneficial to have such a tool for the Sage Report Designer or some way of being able to view the commands as they run when you test a report in the Designer - this would save quite a lot of man-hours during writing and testing bespoke reports for customers.

Parents Comment
  • Looking through the code for the Report Designer, I think that that is a big ask - it is a very complex engine. They may be able to to add some trace instructions to give you feedback at strategic points. Bad table links etc., would be very evident from the SQL code that is executed unless it is using transient data. I find that the best way to design reports is to construct them or parts of the report in SQL first - would this not help with avoiding bad table links etc?
