
Sage 200 font

Since we changed from Sage 50 to Sage 200, a number of users in our company have asked why is the font in Sage 200 so much smaller than Sage 50. How is Sage supporting users who find it difficult to read the small font? The suggestions appear to point to windows settings which is pointless if you access Sage via a remote desktop through a mac, to which there are no admin rights and which would affect everyone using Sage. Sage 50 was readable but Sage 200 much less so. How is this an improvement? Why cannot it changed to suit individual users?  Why has the font size decreased in size so much anyway?

Jon Watkin, Gamebore Cartridge Co Ltd

  • FormerMember

    Small text is indeed an issue, notwithstanding it create an accessibility issue with regards to those of us who eyesight is not as good as it might be, an ability to set the font size by user is long overdue if you ask me.

  • FormerMember

    Small text is indeed an issue, notwithstanding it create an accessibility issue with regards to those of us who eyesight is not as good as it might be, an ability to set the font size by user is long overdue if you ask me.

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