Get Paid Faster: how to improve cash flow

1 minute read time.

Late payments are a problem for many businesses with mounting costs and hours spent chasing payments

There are steps you can take to help you get paid faster.  Our guide to getting paid faster explains which payment method is fastest, how to handle the excuses and how to embrace the new payment types in your business. 

Get paid faster and better cash flow

If you want your customers to pay on time, you can start to look at alternative methods of payment.  Switch from cheque and cash to card payments.  look at using newer technology such as e-invoices so customers can pay directly in a few clicks.

  • Get paid 50% faster if you take card or phone payments
  • Get paid twice as quickly by adding Pay Now buttons on your invoice
  • Offer customers more choice.  84% of small businesses we surveyed said that making payments easier for their customers helps them get paid faster.

Save money

Switching to new types of payment methods can save you time in reduced costs chasing debt and manually inputting date and reduced costs incurred from late payments.

Save time

Time is precious when running a business and chasing payments can take up a huge amount of time and then going to the bank to pay in cheques and cash. Switching to card payments helps you to save time. 

Reducing security risks

Handling large amounts of cash can be risky, your business has to take precautions to ensure your money is safe and these precautions have a cost. 

Want more advice on getting paid faster?

Download our free guide by clicking on the image below and find out how your business could benefit.