How to make sure your accounting financial year end runs smoothly…

1 minute read time.

At this time of year a lot of businesses are preparing to run their year end in Sage Accounts. Whether this is your first year end or you’re more familiar with the routine, there are support resources available to ensure everything runs smoothly. Get ahead by familiarising yourself with them now.

Help Centre

We’ve dedicated an area of our Help Centre specifically to the year end process. All of the vital steps are explained, there are some helpful videos and an FAQ section to keep you right. Visit


Your in software help system includes the Year end steps. Just press F1 and search for ‘year end’.


We’ve made a series of videos covering year end and they’re all available in the Help Centre under Get Started > Videos and Webinars for Sage Accounts  > Recordings. 

If you have Sage Cover Extra, why not book your free place on a Live Webinar where we’ll demonstrate the process and you get a chance to ask our expert questions live online?

Frequently asked questions

  • When can I post into my new financial year?
  • What happens to my budgets at year end?
  • How can I look at old data after running a year end?
  • How do I post adjustments?
  • How do I correct brought forward balances?

For answers to all of these questions and more, visit the Help Centre.


Don’t forget to share your tips and best practice with other Sage customers here in the Business Community!