VAT Return & Year End

My year end is 31.12.22 and my latest VAT period is 01.10.22 to 31.12.22 & I have stupidly posted into 2023.  As the nominals are control accounts i cannot edit, delete or reverse.  Lots and lots transactions have been processed so reverting back to "restore previous backup" isn't really something i want to do !!  Is there anything i can do to correct ??

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    What have you actually posted with the wrong date?  Now I'm guessing at what the problem is, but when you reconcile the VAT return you have the option to post the journals to the VAT accounts.  Annoyingly, Sage uses the current program date rather than the period you want to post into, even though the VAT transfer box gives the correct date to use. If that's what's happened, just make a note of the journal that's been posted and post a journal with the exact same date but reversing the debits and credits. That takes it out of the "wrong" period. Then post the original journal again, but with the correct 31st Dec date.  

    If this was the problem, it can be avoided next time by going to Settings, then Change Program Date to the period end date you want to use (in this case 31/12/22).

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    1. App's VAT return feature streamlines the process of calculating and submitting VAT to tax authorities.

    2. Users can easily input transactions and track VAT liability throughout the accounting period.

    3. The app generates comprehensive VAT reports, summarizing taxable income and expenditures.

    4. Automated calculations reduce the risk of errors and help ensure compliance with tax regulations.

    5. Users can set reminders for VAT return deadlines to avoid late submission penalties.

    6. The year-end feature helps businesses prepare for the annual financial close with minimal effort.

    7. App organizes and categorizes financial data for easy review and analysis at year-end.

    8. Users can generate detailed year-end reports such as profit and loss, balance sheet, and cash flow statements.

    9. The app's reconciliation tools help match transactions with bank statements for accurate year-end reporting.

    10. Built-in archiving keeps records organized and accessible for future audits or reference.

    11. Customizable settings allow users to tailor reports and financial summaries to their specific needs.

    12. The app offers support and guidance for users navigating VAT return and year-end processes.