Sage 30 day trial


Is it possible to install the 30 day trial license again a second time to the same computer but using a different serial number and activation key from another email account.

I'm teaching an online course and normally 30 day trial license is sufficient but due to outside circumstances, require access to be abt 40 days.

Any help appreciated. 

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    Hi Kat,

    Thanks for using Sage City.

    Although we'd recommend you purchase a subscription if you're using Sage in this manner - It is possible to remove the licence files, and insert new licence information (serial number/activation key combination). You'll need to complete the steps listed on this help article > 

    Without a valid licence, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to contact Technical Support if you have any issues with this process, but feel free to respond here and we'll try our best to help if you need it. Otherwise, we can also help you set up a subscription if you'd like - Just let us know. 

    Have a wonderful day,


    Anth Richardson

    Sage UKI.