Payment in advance - Supplier


Does anyone know how to configure Sage50 book PA - Payment in advance (Supplier) go to Supplier Deposit ( Asset ) instead Trade Supplier ( Liability )? Thanks

  • 0

    Hi Deyvis,

    Thanks for using Sage City.

    If you're using Sage 50 Accounts, a payment on account made to a supplier would, by default, credit your bank account and debit the Creditors Control Account, normally code 2100. You could move the value to a different nominal code using journals but we wouldn't recommend posting manual journals that affect the Creditors control Account.


    Sage UKI

  • 0 in reply to Andy Rickeard

    Hello Andy. Thanks for your answer. In accounting Payment in advance should go to Asset Account not Liability. On Balance Sheet should that amount appears as Asset ( Debit balance ). Ageing and creditors balance amounts should be the results of two accounts. As well should happen with trade debtors ( payment in advance with customers ) liability BS side.

  • 0 in reply to Andy Rickeard

    Hello Andy. Thanks for your answer. In accounting Payment in advance should go to Asset Account not Liability. On Balance Sheet should that amount appears as Asset ( Debit balance ). Ageing and creditors balance amounts should be the results of two accounts. As well should happen with trade debtors ( payment in advance with customers ) liability BS side.
