Error message - "illegal characters in path"




My Sage accounts suddenly stopped letting me access it by saying it has a problem finding a valid registration? Initially I could click open accounts but now it has the option of close accounts or update license - but when I click update license it says "error: illegal characters in path" and I can't access the page to type my serial number in so I can't access sage? 


We've been so hectic through the holidays so I've only got 4 days left to get all the invoices on and complete my VAT return (as well as my 5 year old's birthday at the weekend then 2 children starting a new school on Monday that I still need to buy uniforms for!) Can anyone help?!?! 


Thank you!!!



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    Hi Lisa,

    Thanks for using our Product Support Community.

    There’s an issue we’re aware of where, when opening or activating Sage 50 Accounts the following message may appear:

    “Illegal characters in path”

    This is currently under investigation so we do not have a definite fix. However, from the investigation we’ve done so far we believe that this issue is due to a registry problem in your Windows profile.

    Creating a new Windows profile has been seen to resolve the problem.

    If this has answered your question, please click on the ‘This helped me’ link below.