Possible error submitting VAT return online.


Tried to submit VAT return online- as I've done for years with no problem.  Screen shows a tick and says return submitted, but when I ask for the submission log, it comes up as no data found.  How do I a) find out whether or not it has been submitted; and/or b) resubmit it through Sage?

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    verified answer

    Hi Mark,

    To be 100% on whether or not the return submitted, please contact HMRC.  If the return is marked as being submitted, I would be confident it has gone through, but always best to check!

    If it hasn't been submitted but is still marked as such in Sage, you can run a new return in Sage, entering the same dates but checking the box to Include Reconciled Transactions.  This will pick up the same figures as the previous return, enabling you to resubmit.

    I hope this helps.

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    Hi Adam- thanks for this, it seems to have worked and I now have the submission log, though my list of VAT returns now shows two submitted for the same period! Having checked on the HMRC website, the first one definitely didn't get through. Any idea what causes that glitch? I followed exactly the same process (other than including the reconciled items) as before.
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    Hi Mark,

    You can select and delete the VAT return that failed if you like, this will not affect any figures in Sage.

    Unfortunately I cannot say exactly what would have caused this, but factors such as problems with HMRC's gateway, internet access and antivirus protection could in theory cause these things to happen.

    It is always best to check the Submission log as you have done to identify any issues straight away.