Repeat Order Report


Hello all


In an attempt to contact customers to offer 'special offers' or encourage more orders, I would like to be able to look through customer's previous orders, recognise the 'repeat orders' and establish a 'special offer' or at least a reminder email to see if the customer may need more of what they have persistently ordered in the past.

Ideal 'solution':

Ideally, I would like to be able to run a report, either from the Sales Order panel or customer panel.

This report would flag up individual products that have been ordered multiple times.

I could then manually look in to these products to see if there's a trend so that I can establish how or if I should pursue the lead.

My question:

Does anyone know of a report that can help me out on this?

Has anyone successfully made a report that does something like this and could offer any tips?


Thanks in advance!