cant download v25 via website


im a current sage 50 essentials user on v24 im trying to download v25 but whenever I try

I get an error saying You do not have access to download this file  and when it says If the download button does not appear below, click here.

when I click it, nothing happens,

im signed into mysage

when I do it asks me to link my account and when I enter the correct details it gives me another error:

Access to this account is denied. A pending link request has been found and requires authorisation by an Online Account Administrator.

In a few moments you will be returned to the accounts page.

as I don't have telephone support it seems im stuck as I called that system and it told me to go online

help? all I want to do is download the latest version,

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    Hi Matt,

    Thanks for using Sage City. 

    Sorry to see you having issues, How the website links to your account is it looks at all your information your inputting and compares this against the information we have on our system, If some of these differ this is why you will be getting access denied. 

    What Online Support Offers is Articles, Webinars, Sage City but also Sage Live Web-chat i would recommend coming through to chat so we can get the information your entering and see exactly what is going on. 

    You can access a link to Sage Chat here.



    Sage UKI