Accessing the AUDITDL report


I want to automate the download of the AUDITDL report into Excel.  The transaction reports do not seem to appear in the Sage Add-in.  I do not want users to have to go into Sage, find the right, have it created as a tempXXXX file then have to find that file, and copy and past the information from that file into the Excel Spreadsheet (then remember to delete the tempXXXX file).  I want them simply to click on a refresh button as they do for, say a Nominal Activity report in the add in. How do we do that?

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    Hi Malcolm,

    Thanks for using Sage City. Apologies for the late reply to this. We changed over Sage City and some queries were missed by mistake.

    You may have already found an answer to your query but if not, it'll be best to give us a call on 0191 479 5955 and speak with our report team so we can check if this can be added to the Excel Add on. 

    If this has answered your question please click More > Verify Answer.

    Kind regards,

    Sage UKI