Duplicate Invoice VAT Reverse Charge problem


We often duplicate previous invoices so the description, nominal, department, etc remain consistent throughout the project. This is now no longer possible due to the way the VAT reverse charge has been set up. 

As there will always be numerous lines, different services, deductions for retention etc but if I go to change the line from T1 to T21, it will not allow me as there are other lines that are T1. Surely this prompt could come at the end when saving the invoice, rather than when each line is saved?

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    We're having this issue too and its a big pain. I don't understand why the check by the software to see if invoice items have different tax codes can't be done on the save invoice function, not against each individual item. That would stop this irritating issue. It happening a lot when you enter all the invoice information and forget that you need to reverse vat it and change the tax codes, or when you are using a quote to create an invoice.

  • 0

    We're having this issue too and its a big pain. I don't understand why the check by the software to see if invoice items have different tax codes can't be done on the save invoice function, not against each individual item. That would stop this irritating issue. It happening a lot when you enter all the invoice information and forget that you need to reverse vat it and change the tax codes, or when you are using a quote to create an invoice.
