Sage Drive and Sage ID


With the new changes to the Sage ID, does this mean that Sage Drive will stop working completely for older versions, regardless of their licence?

More specifically, will you have to be on Sage 50cloud Accounts v27.1 to get the data synching features in any capacity?

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    Hi Paul,

    Yes, Sage drive will stop working completely for older versions unless you're on v27.1 or above.

    If you upgrade from the version you're on before the data you'll not need to reconnect when you go to v27 but if you don't upgrade before the switch off date you'll need to set it up again in v27


  • 0

    Hi Paul,

    Yes, Sage drive will stop working completely for older versions unless you're on v27.1 or above.

    If you upgrade from the version you're on before the data you'll not need to reconnect when you go to v27 but if you don't upgrade before the switch off date you'll need to set it up again in v27

