How do I generate a sales report that does not include quoatations?

I am trying to generate a sales products report from sage that does not include any quotations that have been generated but not yet won.

  • 0

    Hi Donna. Sales orders are not my thing but editing the report might help. Choose your report, go to Edit in Report Designer. Choose Report then Filters. Choose to include rows where SALES_ORDER  QUOTE_STATUS  Does Not Equal  Open.

    If you edit a pre-existing report you won't overwrite it - when you choose to save it will create a copy so your original is safe.

    I don't use this module so my assumption that Open means not won may be wrong, but hopefully you get the idea.

  • 0 in reply to Anita Harper
    I don't use this module so my assumption that Open means not won may be wrong, but hopefully you get the idea.

    This is correct but it also means filtering on this field not equal to open would result in getting lost quotes back too so watch out for that if you need exclude those too.

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