Lost attachments on upgrading to V28


Has anyone else had the issue of upgrading to V28 and half of the attachments are now in a folder that cannot be found and therefore you cannot view the attachments? As well as losing reports etc.

We have clusters of attachments we can no longer view, eliminating the use of what is/was a fantastic feature.

Surely for a cloud/remote program these issues shouldn't occur? 

Maybe we have missed something obvious, but when upgrading you would think all attachments would be viewed in the new version seamlessly.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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    I had this happen on upgrading from v26 to v27 - very frustrating, but may have been my mistake in opting to install the new version in a different folder. I solved it by copying across the transaction folders, but tread with care if you do this as I can't guarantee it would work the same for you. First I found the old data folder, then copied the missing folders from the Transaction Attachments folder.  If it helps, on my system they are here: C:\ProgramData\Sage\Accounts\2021\Company.001\Transaction Attachments