Intermittent Sage 50 Version 28 SDO Error: Sage 50 SDO Invalid data path. Please check your connection settings

Has anybody else come across this error intermittently ?
We sometimes get the error after accessing SDO after 8 hours or so of non use.
Running the same script again immediately works fine.

The data path is on the local C drive.

Makes me wonder if the SData service has to spin up after a period of non activity ?

Sage 50 Version 28
OS: Windows Server 2022.

Top Replies

  • 0

    Sdata and SDO are different things. If you are using SDO then the Sdata service is not involved at all so idle time of that service would not be a factor. There is the similarly named 'Sage Data Service' that is involved as all file activity goes via that but it doesn't have an idle timeout. The closest thing is has is that the server side socket connection will get closed if the client connection is closed for any reason, but that is not time based and it happens as soon as the client disconnects.

    Is it exactly 8 hours of in activity that triggers the issue? If so that would suggest something triggered on a schedule. There is nothing in SDO is schedule based so I would hazard a guess that perhaps AV/security software is kicking in and interfering with the connection, or perhaps power saving in Windows. They are just guesses but worth trying to disable both as a test.

    Hope that helps

  • 0 in reply to Darron Cockram

    Morning Darron, many thanks for your response.

    The error sometimes occurs when the first user of the day hits the script.
    I will check AV and other environment based issues.

    Does that SDO error ONLY occur when it can't find the path or can it occur due to other issues ?

    Thank you


  • 0 in reply to Clarumedia
    Does that SDO error ONLY occur when it can't find the path or can it occur due to other issues ?

    It could happen if the path doesn't exist, can't be accessed for some reason, or does not specify a valid data folder i.e. one that contains all the expected data files.