NatWest bank feeds slow to download

We have just connected to bank feeds for the first time this week with NatWest.  The setting is for the bank feeds to imported at 7am and it's important that we allocate all debtor receipts first thing in the morning,  Both yesterday and today the bank feed has not updated by 9am and so it's a waiting game.

Do others have the same issue with NatWest and is there any way around it as it's reducing the benefit of having the feeds.


  • 0

    Same with HSBC - my bank feeds don't seem to download the transactions until the next day, so it's a bit pointless really as I don't have loads of transactions and I like to reconcile every day. Just as quick to open online banking and bank rec in sage and just add the days transactions - they are always shown in the online banking recent transactions but they don't download until next day.

    I guess if you had a lot of transactions it might be more useful.

  • 0

    Same with HSBC - my bank feeds don't seem to download the transactions until the next day, so it's a bit pointless really as I don't have loads of transactions and I like to reconcile every day. Just as quick to open online banking and bank rec in sage and just add the days transactions - they are always shown in the online banking recent transactions but they don't download until next day.

    I guess if you had a lot of transactions it might be more useful.

  • 0 in reply to Stephen Wade

    I think the idea of them not downloading until the next day is to make sure that they are definitely in the account.

    I've seen (albeit very rare) times where something has shown in a client's recent transactions in their online banking, but something has caused the item to be cancelled and it doesn't actually show on their account when things are finalised.

    So Sage (and Xero as well) tend to not bring the entries in until the next day when they are confirmed.