• Pay Now Button on Proforma Sales Orders

    I know we can add a 'Pay Now' button on invoices but seems like Sage can't let you add one onto Proforma Sales Orders. We need this so the customer can process payment for a proforma by clicking on the link. Currently we have to invoice goods and then…
  • Improving Sagepay Integration

    When downloading a payment made by a 'PayNow' button on an invoice, if that invoice hasn't been updated to the ledger, the payment despite requesting if you want to allocate it to the invoice instead allocates to the oldest outstanding invoice on the…
  • PayNow button for Sales Order.

    We take a lot of proforma payments through sales orders and it would be very helpful if we could add a SagePay button to an SOP proforma. I see it is available for Sage 200, but I cannot see it for Sage 50. desktophelp.sage.co.uk/.../SagePayCustom.ht…
  • Using the Pay Now feature in different currencies

    SagePay are telling us that they can handel 24+ different currencies but can we produce an invoice or Statement in Line 50 with the "PayNow" feature on it in Sage that is in Euros and then have our customer pay via SagePay or must all the invoices be…