Sage 50 Statements take 2-3 hours to generate on powerful RDS server. "Stuck at Step 4 of 6: Run Report"


Hi all,

I'm running Sage 50 v28.1 client on powerful Windows Server 2016 hardware. 16 cores, 96GB RAM, SSD disks.

The data is local to the server on the C: drive.

Data is clean, error free and recently re-indexed.

No antivirus is enabled on the server, no firewall and I'm running the sage client with full admin rights.

The Windows server has the Microsoft Remote Desktop Services (RDS) enabled to allow multiple people log in to run Sage. For now I'm testing with just one user - me

The problem: When running a statement for any client, it hangs for 2-3 hours stuck at "Step 4 of 6: Run Report". Even if there is no data it will hang like that.

What on earth is it doing? Is there any debug mode I can enable for Sage?

I've rebuilt the server a few times and have noticed some odd things.

1. The same live data works fine when restored locally to my PC. Statement generates in 30 seconds so there is nothing wrong with the data.

2. The same live data works fine on the same server PRIOR to enabling RDS. Once RDS is enabled it goes to hell.

3. However the demo company data works fine on the same server with RDS enabled. Only the live data has an issue.

Does anyone else have Sage v28.1 running on an Window Server with RDS?

I really think this is a bug but is there any way to troubleshoot with Sage developers?

Thank you!