Error (SageBusinessCloudMigrationTool) installing dataservice 28.1 on Windows 11 desktop


Moving our accounts data from a Windows 2012 server to a Windows 11 desktop. The version our team us seems to be version 28, so downloaded and ran the installer for the data service, gives me an error during installation. Error code 1: Failed to cache package SageBusinessCloudMigrationTool

I've downloaded the installer three times, so unless its corrupted in each download I don't believe thats it. Any idea what to check next ?

First time I mistakenly installed version 29, installed no errors but obviously the wrong version.

Uninstalled it and tried older version and got the error. Installed version 29 and uninstalled using Revo Uninstall, then put on version 28 with same error.

Wiped the machine and installed 28 again, got an error about the VC 14 helper, found a post about that and installed manually, tried installer again with the same issue.

Now installing W10 on another machine in case its a Windows 11 incompatibility.
