Payment on account how to move back money to petty cash

I have payment on account on one of our suppliers account as by mistake was paid from petty cash account. When found out it was mistake had to paid by bacs so the payment from petty cash account still sits on the supplier account. 

How can i correct this? How to move payment on the account back to the petty cash acccount. 


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    The solution to the original problem would just have been to edit the supplier payment on account and change the bank account from 1200 to your petty cash account. However, it appears you have since posted another payment from the petty cash account so the best thing to do would be to delete the original bank transaction.

  • 0

    The solution to the original problem would just have been to edit the supplier payment on account and change the bank account from 1200 to your petty cash account. However, it appears you have since posted another payment from the petty cash account so the best thing to do would be to delete the original bank transaction.
