
Open for voting

Amend Customer or Supplier Account Reference

We have suppliers or customers that change their name and although you can change their name in the name field you are unable to change their actual account reference.

This would be useful especially as we have Sage linked to another sys

  • I have asked one of the programmers about this some time ago and from memory they said it's because all the data is connected to that one account reference. I am sure that if it was simple to do Sage would introduced this years ago as it's been

  • This is because Sage uses the ID as a key, so, all records use this field. They should be using a hidden ID or something generic then allow a user to change this field... Third party tools exist that can do this and are annoyingly expensive. There is no reason why Sage couldn't release an update and a migration script that moved to a more modern format - or, simply a mass update tool like the third party ones that changes the reference everywhere.

  • This is because Sage uses the ID as a key, so, all records use this field. They should be using a hidden ID or something generic then allow a user to change this field... Third party tools exist that can do this and are annoyingly expensive. There is no reason why Sage couldn't release an update and a migration script that moved to a more modern format - or, simply a mass update tool like the third party ones that changes the reference everywhere.

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