
Can we please see if and when a supplier payment has been bank reconciled from the supplier activity ???

Sometimes a supplier contacts me requesting payment, I know I have paid it but I don't know when, and the date on the supplier activity may not be the date it cleared the bank , therefore I would like a column at the bottom of the activity screen that shows the bank reconciled date, this would save having to go into the transactions screen and check the date

  • From within the Supplier Record > Activity window, highlight the bank transaction and select the [view] button in the header of the window. A new window will be displayed showing a series of fields, one of which shows the bank reconcilation date and other that shows the statement reference. These fields are only populated once the transacton has been reconciled.

  • From within the Supplier Record > Activity window, highlight the bank transaction and select the [view] button in the header of the window. A new window will be displayed showing a series of fields, one of which shows the bank reconcilation date and other that shows the statement reference. These fields are only populated once the transacton has been reconciled.

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