
Special Item Prices & Discounts

If a product has a special price for a specific customer and that customer also has a discount applied to their accounts there is no setting in the Invoice and Orders Defaults discounts tab that works so that when you raise an invoice for that product with a special price for a customer who has a discount applied to them it will apply both the special price and the discount and not just the special price.

I have tested this and no setting seems to only apply the special price without the discount. Even though the text in the Invoice and Order defaults box says "Do not apply Quantity Discounts to Special Prices or customer price list prices"

I have been on the phone with Sage to see if i was missing something and they confirmed that this doesn't work.

  • Hi,

    If you have your custom prices set on Price Lists, then the options in your screenshot should be correct. I have recently had to do this as well myself. Below is the options I have selected where it works.

    The price of the item in my test is usually £13.12 (Discount A)

    On the Price list, this is changed to £12.14 (Pricelist: DISCB1)

    The account is set as follows:

    If there is an additional percentage applied here, then the invoice does update accordingly.