• Earn £25 Amazon Voucher for 30 Mins: Share Your Feedback & Ideas!

    We value your voice. Here's a special opportunity to make it heard and score yourself £25 worth of Amazon vouchers in just 30 minutes! Our Community Manager wants to hear from YOU. Your feedback is essential in shaping our community's future and ensuring…
  • A new branch of your online community is here!

    We've created a brand new area of Sage City, just for you The Business Advice hub connects like-minded people from small and medium-sized companies with each other, and business experts. It’s a friendly and supportive online community where we can share…
  • Vote for Sage City!

    We are excited to announce that Sage City is a nominee in the third annual CMX Community Industry Awards and we need your vote ! To support your favorite online community, please: Go to https://cmxhub.com/awards/vote/ Choose “Customer Success…