Unable to do full payment submission, box comes up saying "an error occured"


Good Afternoon


I am having trouble on my Sage 50 Payroll (v24 fully up to date).


When I am trying to send a Full Payment Submission, it hangs for a second with a box up saying something along the lines of "checking for updates" and then another box comes up with the title "An error occured" and says within the box "Please check esubsError.xml on your desktop for details."


The contents of the xml file is as follows:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<WizardError xmlns:xsi="www.w3.org/.../XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="www.w3.org/.../XMLSchema">
<Message>External component has thrown an exception.</Message>
<StackTrace> at ESubs.View.InternetSubmissionProcess.Startup(StartupData startupData, StartupContext context, Boolean&amp; downloadUpdate, Boolean&amp; cancel, IntPtr&amp; windowOwner)
at ESubs.View.CompleteSubmissionWizardProcess.LaunchWizard(StartupData startupData, Boolean&amp; downloadUpdate, Boolean&amp; cancel)</StackTrace>


Can you shed any light on this at all or point me in the right direction to a fix? I have re installed the package fully, ran as administrator as suggested on similair questions but to no avail.


Many thanks