Re: FPS wrong date.

We incorrectly sent an FPS submission with the wrong date, so instead of it being week 41 it went through as week 43. I spoke to sage who told me I now had to wait until week 43 and process an fps adjustment but to process payrolls and update the following weeks as normal but with no fps submission as it won't work. We rolled back the payroll corrected week 41, the following week ran and updated week 42 and have now run and updated week 43. We have now tried to run an fps adjustment with the same date for week 43 as we did in week 41 for the same employees but keep getting the message the employees have been submitted in a future period. Not sure what to do know can anyone help ?
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    Hi Malcolm,

    It would suggest that the last updated date is beyond the date you are trying to run the FPS adjustment for. Within the program on in the employee list, check the dates in the last updated column and the last FPS column. If the last updated date in after the date you are trying to the run the adjustment for then it would display the message.