Paying in lieu of notice due to contract termination - Leaver in June, notice period ends in July

I have an employee whose contract was terminated at the end of June so his leaving date was in June. I was not notified until after I had processed the payroll to 30th June. I have been told he is being paid in lieu of his notice. Am I able to process the notice pay (in July) to get the correct tax/NI deductions, and then process him with a leaving date in June for his P45?

  • Hi Jonathan,

    As June has already been processed, you have two options:

    1. Rollback this one employee for June and then reprocess June to include the notice pay. Once you have updated records, you should then enter the leave date and submit an FPS adjustment.

    For full details on the Rollback procedure click here


    2. Process the employee's notice pay in July (as you mentioned). You should Update Records for July and then process as a leaver before submitting the FPS. The leave date that you enter can be the date the employee left or, the date that you last paid the employee. The only time that you must use the date that the employee was last paid is if the leave date and last paid dates are in different tax years.

    For full details on processing leavers click here

