Staff loan incorrectly showing on online payslip

I have been running Sage Cloud Payroll with online payslips for a while now with no issues. However, a staff member who received a company loan last month has pointed out an error to me. They were given a loan which was recorded on Sage Payroll using the Loan pay element. It was set to start taking repayments as of 01/01/2021 . When I ran the Payment Summaries and payslips reports for October everything looked fine. Her net wage was correctly showing on the payment summary and the payslip report (gross wages minus normal deductions, no loan deduction). 

But she has shown me the payslip that was generated by the online portal, and the deductions section includes a line for the loan repayment. Confusingly, this amount has not been deducted from the net wage showing on the same payslip. Therefore whatever payslip template the online portal is using is not looking at the right data when it comes to loans. Is there a way to force the online portal to use a particular payslip template? Or is there a setting I need to look at to ensure the online portal is reading the loan set up correctly?

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    Hey James!

    Thanks for using Sage City!

    My initial advice here would be to try uploading a historic payslip for the same period, to see if it still appears. If it is still happening, or is still appearing on later payslips, i would advise contacting us through our Q&A Live service, so we can run through a few further steps with you!

    Kind Regards,

    Dan Poole

    Sage UKI