Company Holiday Year


Hi Folks,

We have purchased a new company and they will be going under our PAYE reference number. The problem is that our holiday year runs from January to December but theirs will run from April to March. Can I set up two company holiday years on Sage?

Thank you,


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    Hello Lorraine, 

    Thanks for using Community Hub. 

    Sage 50 Payroll allows you to specify one holiday year only. 

    If all of those employees happen to have the same start date as the start of the holiday year, you could create a separate holiday scheme for the new employees. Then, in the Settings tab of the new Holiday scheme you can set the scheme start date as Employee Start Date - this would set their holiday year as required. You'd just need to take care to assign the correct holiday scheme to future new starters.

    You can however change your holiday year start date by following the steps in this guide

    Hope this helps, if it does please let others know too by clicking verify. 



    Sage UKI

  • That's great Annie,

    Thank you very much for your help.

    Kind regards,


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    Just as some useful additional information, if you have the Sage HR Leave Management module, you could create two different time off policies.

    For example a holiday policy that resets holiday allowance on 1 January, then a second holiday policy that resets 1 April. You would then assign employees to their relevant time off policy.

    Kind regards,

    Oli, Sage UKI