Submitted wrong year end date


My process date should be 31/03/21 (year end). But I wrongly chose process date as (06/04/21)(next year) and did the year end process also. Is this a problem? Should I contact HMRC?

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    Hi Rezwana,

    Thanks for using Sage City Slight smile

    I notice this query has slipped through without a community response, sorry for the late reply but I thought I’d pop something back to you :)

    In this scenario your program would let you change the process date back to 5/4/21 and complete the year end again, but I'd advise you to have contacted HMRC regarding any implications on that year end submission already sent against 6/4/21 before proceeding.

    If this has answered your question please click More > Verify Answer.


    John Howells
    Sage UKI