Overriding zero rated VAT for foreign customers


I produce corporate events in the U.K, and I sell sponsorships to companies abroad. Sage automatically sets the VAT to zero rated. For my specific purposes, I do not believe this is correct. I can't figure out how to override the zero rated VAT. Any ideas? 

  • 0

    Hi Greg,

    If this is classified as a service then you will be able to change the VAT rate on these invoices. You just have to change on small thing first before the box will allow you to change the rate. 

    When in the invoice, if you hover over the line item, on the very right you should see a small arrow icon. When you click this, you can then specify that it is a service. Once this is done, the VAT Rate box will be able to be changed from zero rated.

    If this has answered your question please click More > Verify Answer.

    Thank you,

  • 0 in reply to DJ Byrne

    Hi DJ,

    Thanks for responding but this doesn't work. I see the arrows you mention, but it doesn't alter the VAT rate box at all. It's still greyed out, and won't let me edit it.


  • 0 in reply to Greg Winterton

    Hi Greg,

    Can you confirm, what country are your customers located in?

    Thank you,

  • 0 in reply to DJ Byrne

    This particular one is in Cayman Islands, DJ. I called into Sage's helpline and, quite remarkably, their system doesn't work. When you produce an event in the U.K, you MUST charge VAT on ticket sales and sponsorships, regardless of where the customer is located. Sage's system just doesn't work. The man on the phone told me exactly what you wrote above - he went into my account and could not override the zero rated VAT. It's quite extraordinary that, in Sage's many years of existence and massive software development resources, they haven't figured this out.

  • 0 in reply to Greg Winterton

    Hi Greg,

    I do apologise. More than likely my colleague has covered this but the reason it is not editable is due to the customer being outside of the EU. In this case the system will always apply Zero Rated VAT.

    The only workaround would be to have the address within the EU or UK and you will be able to choose the correct VAT Rate. You may then need to adjust the VAT Return to account for this.

    Thank you,

  • 0 in reply to DJ Byrne

    Hi DJ,

    Yep, your colleague said pretty much the same thing. I'd be grateful if you could forward this to your developers because it seems to be a pretty big miss that the Sage system is so rigid with this.

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