What is the incentive?
If you've employed an apprentice with a start date after 1 April 2021, you may be eligible to apply for a payment of £3,000, that you don't have to pay back.
What can I use the payment for?
You can spend it on anything to support your business' costs. For example, uniforms, your apprentice’s travel costs or their salary.
Am I eligible?
It's easy to check if you're eligible by referring to HMRC's guidance.
How do I apply?
If you're eligible to receive the payment, you must apply before 30 November 2021 on the Government website.
Missed out this year?
Don't worry if you've missed out on the incentive this year, it's available again from 11 January 2022.
You'll be able to apply for the payment of £3,000 for apprentices with an employment start date from 1 October 2021 to 31 January 2022. Find out more >
Further information
For further information about the incentive payment, visit the GOV.uk website >