paying the wrong amount of salary to an employee



I have noticed that one of the employee has been paid less amount of her monthly salary for last 4 mounts. I am going to pay Dec salary, I am wondering how to pay this amount, because the employee standard salary is 850.20 and we paid around 613.12. 

Considering her standard salary she is not eligible to pay EE NI but eligible for ER NI. if I add the total amount of correction to this mount she get eligible for EE NI.

Please, help with this issue.

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    Thank you for using Community Hub.

    This is quite straight forward to put right.

    You need to EDIT each pay run where you paid the employee too little.

    Change  the salary to the correct amount, tell the system you want to show difference in the next pay run when prompted.

    A corrected FPS is sent from payroll for each period you edit, which is expected.

    Do this for the last 4 pay periods.

    You can get a corrected payslip for the employee for each of the corrected pay periods.

    Reprinting Payslips

    In December, there will be a "Correction" showing in the employee pay run.

    This is the difference in net pay which she would have received had she been paid the correct salary for the last 4 pay periods.

    Similarly, your P32 for December will have the increase in employers NI which you would have been liable for over the past 4 pay periods, which you should include in your next HMRC payment.

    I have included our corrections article for you to refer to.

    Work through section's "Before you edit a completed pay run" and  "Edit your completed pay run".

    Edit your completed pay run

    Kind regards,


    Sage UKI