Pension Cessation



We have recently migrated all of our clients from Sage 50 Payroll to Sage Cloud Payroll and I have had an issue with an employee's pension.

 They had previously chosen to leave the pension scheme (Cessation, not opt out) and this was filled in on the employees details when we transferred from Sage 50 Payroll to Cloud. However when I ran the payroll, it was  still trying to make them pay contributions on the Sage Cloud Payroll. The advisor said to opt them out from the 'enter payments' screen and chose a date that was incorrect as the opt out date couldn't be back dated. My concern is that when we come to run the 3 year cycle it will force him back because it thinks that the employee has recently opted out. What are your thoughts/suggestions on this?

Any help would be much appreciated. 

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    Hi Laura,

    Thank you for using Community Hub.

    For cases such as this (or for company Directors not part of the scheme) there is an option in the employee record which can be used.

    The option excludes the employee from the cyclical re-enrolment procedure.

    From the Employees tab, select the relevant employee.

    Choose the Workplace Pensions tab.

    Put a tick in the "Exclude from auto enrolment" box and select Save.

    The employee will now be ignored at the next cyclical re-enrolment cycle.

    Kind regards,


    Sage UKI

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    Hi Nigel, 

    Thank you for your quick response, I did try this also but for some reason it was still trying to make him pay contributions. I'm wondering if now he has been processed once I shall try and click the exclude button moving forward?

    As the 3 year cycle is due next year I'm worried I will forgot and he gets re-enrolled.

    Any help would be much appreciated. 

    Kind regards,


  • 0 in reply to Laura Salathiel

    Hi Laura,

    You can opt the employee out of the  pension and refund the contribution already taken.

    There are a couple of ways to make the refund depending on the pension set-up.

    It would be best to go through that with us either via chat or call us on 0191 4795911  option 1, option 3 so we can advise on the best way for you.

    Kind regards,


    Sage UKI