Employment ID for multiple roles in company

I have a number of employees who perform two roles within the company and as the roles are subject to different PRSI classes (A8/A9 for Community Employment Scheme role and A1 for normal employment) i am wondering if Employment ID is the way to deal with this?

If so how do I use it in practice-do I need to set the employees up a second time on the payroll with a different employment ID?

Thank you


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    Hi Brid,

    Thanks for using Sage City.

    We recommend you don't touch the employment ID unless told to by ROS. This is because Employment ID tells ROS if this is the first, second, etc employment within the same business.

    It’s not common for the same employee to be subject to different PRSI sub classes, so we recommend that you speak to ROS for guidance on this.


    Sage UKI