Syracuse 12.9.1


In Hosts, you are specifically blocked from setting zero as the number of Child Processes, but allowed to enter zero as the number of Web Service Child Processes. I'm sure it didn't used to be like this and it prevents us dedicating a Syracuse Host to purely Web Service traffic. Is there a reason this block has been added?

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  • 0 in reply to Mike Shaw

    Hi Mike

    We have environments where Syracuse Load Balancing is turned off and we direct the traffic to either a "User" Syracuse or a "Web" Syracuse, so we're familiar with that. I have checked one out and they do not have zero Child Processes configured, so my memory must be playing tricks.

    The ultimate aim is to be able to provide two Clusters. One Cluster configured with Child Processes and zero Web Service Child Processes and one Cluster configured with zero Child Processes and Web Service Child Processes. Each Cluster would Load Balance with the number of Nodes and Servers configured for that Process type (User or Web).

    The stumbling block at the moment is the necessity for the non-zero Child Process on every Host. As soon as we enable Syracuse Load Balancing there is a chance a User will be connected through an N-Node on that Server and we are unable to bounce that Server to reset Web Services as and when without the possibility of killing a User session.

    It is so near, but so far....



  • 0 in reply to GeoffWhalley

    Hello Geoff,

    Might be an idea to raise a Support ticket to discuss your specific requirements, as I dont see why you need to enable Syracuse load balancing at the moment. 

    Also when you say you want two clusters, bear in mind that a definition of a Syracuse Cluster is multiple Syracuse hosts connected to a single MongoDB instance.  

    I don't think you want 2 Syracuse clusters, but two pairs of Syracuse nodes configured as described in KB article  (I just noticed the diagram is chopped off, but there are meant to be 3 Syracuse nodes shown in the cluster. 2 dedicated to users and 1 dedicated to Web Services, in this example)



  • 0 in reply to Mike Shaw

    Hi Mike

    Thanks for your reply. I'll draw a Visio and log a Ticket.
