Customizing Outbound Call Tabs

1 minute read time.
In Sage CRM when a user selects "Get a call" from an outbound call list, they will get a few tabs options at the top of the screen. by default these are Company summary, person summary, quick look, new company, new person, new oppo and new communication.

These tabs open in new windows, the other company tabs (specifically marketing and list of existing opportunities) are not normally available.

This tabgroup is found under

Administration -> Customization -> Wave Activities

Under the Tab area you will see the tabgroups


These groups can all be changed.


The tabs always call the window as a popup. Also the context is that of the user (not the company or lead being called). You can see that in this example url from the screen shown in the above image.

http://localhost/crm/CustomPages/test.asp?SID=4413729911307 &Key0=4 &Key1=1192 &Key2=1745 &Key4=1 &Key35=36 &Key63=155 &J=test.asp &PopupWin=Y

You can call any behaviour you need using either ASP or .Net application extensions.
  • I'm using 7.1 for this experiment. I used your modified quicklook page that I changed a bit to successfully pull communications for a company from inside a call list using eWare.GetContextInfo('company','comp_companyid'); as my argument.

    I think I need to also grab context for person as well? I am seeing sql errors when the argument is null (naturally)

    I am currently trying to grab the last 50 tasks created under the company that comes up in the outbound call lists.

  • I'm using 7.1 for this experiment. I used your modified quicklook page that I changed a bit to successfully pull communications for a company from inside a call list using eWare.GetContextInfo('company','comp_companyid'); as my argument.

    I think I need to also grab context for person as well? I am seeing sql errors when the argument is null (naturally)

    I am currently trying to grab the last 50 tasks created under the company that comes up in the outbound call lists.

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