Formatting your Quote and Order Reference Numbers in Sage CRM

1 minute read time.

I was recently asked about what the options were for formatting the quote and order reference numbers in Sage CRM, other than the default values provided, as organisations often use quite different formats for numbering them. The reference id appears once the continue button has been clicked on the screen below.

The format of the reference number is set in the Admin / Data Management / Products / Product Configuration area as shown.

So, what are my options? It turns out there are lots - kudos to the developer who added them! Options available are:

#C — current user primary channel (Team) id

#H — current user primary channel name - e.g. 'Operations'
#L — current user logon - e.g. 'mayes'
#U — current user id
#O — opportunity id of the parent opportunity
#I — Orde_OrderQuoteID / Quot_OrderQuoteID
#N — number of quote / order within opportunity
#D — day part of current datetime (two digit format)
#M — month part of current datetime (two digit format)
#Y — year part of current datetime (two digit format)

These can also be combined together with text and numbers, so ORD20#Y-0000#I would give me ORD2011-0000514, being the 514th order in the system, added in 2011

Happy Numbering!