How to Find out about Teams (xxx_channelid) in Webservices

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You may have a need to find out about Teams used in Sage CRM through the webservices.

In the database Teams are defined in a table called Channel


select * from Channel;

The Team (channel) is then referenced in the system entities like opportunity and cases.


  • Opportunity - oppo_channelid
  • Cases - Case_channelid

And the user is linked to a team too

  • users - user_primarychannelid

The table Channel is not exposed to webservices by default.

See the documentation to learn how to expose a table in webservices (

If you expose the table you could then access the teams by using the standard webservice methods. This example is in C#

queryrecordresult myQueryRecordTeamsResult;
myQueryRecordTeamsResult = CRMbinding.queryrecord("chan_channelid, chan_description", "chan_deleted is null", "channel", "chan_channelid");
crmrecord[] myRecordList = myQueryRecordTeamsResult.records;
for (int intCount = 0; intCount ">

queryrecordresult myQueryRecordTeamsResult = CRMbinding.queryrecord("user_userid, user_primarychannelid", "User_IsTemplate = 'N'", "users", "user_primarychannelid");
crmrecord[] myRecordList = myQueryRecordTeamsResult.records;
for (int intCount = 0; intCount ">