Need some help uploading data to Sage CRM?

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We've lots of resources to help you get your data into Sage CRM

The Data Upload feature is a powerful tool that can save you time and resources when you need to add multiple new lead, company, or person records to Sage CRM or migrate data from Excel spreadsheets. It lets you create many Sage CRM records at once instead of laboriously entering the details of each record manually in the Sage CRM user interface. It reduces the risk of error in the data and frees you up to close sales, create marketing campaigns, or follow up on customer cases!

To upload data to Sage CRM, you need to prepare a data upload file (CSV, XLS, or XLSX) containing the records you want to add, and then specify that file in the Sage CRM user interface. The data in the file must meet certain criteria so that it's uploaded and displayed correctly in Sage CRM. Check out our video Preparing Data Upload. When you're happy that the data in the upload file is in good shape, you can import it to Sage CRM. Check out our video Performing Data Upload.

While both videos provide a great overview of the usual process, you might need more detailed help to display your particular data in a way that best suits your business needs. We've provided complete instructions for assigning security rights to data, mapping data, and configuring deduplication rules in the Data Upload section of the System Administrator Help.

And finally, for those of you who prefer a more hands-on approach to learning, the Data Upload Workbook contains tutorials that guide you, step-by-step, through the most common use cases for the Data Upload feature. By the end of the workbook, you'll be fully versed in all data requirements and user interface settings for Data Upload.

We hope you find these resources helpful. We'd love to hear your feedback.

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