sdata crud (update example using SID)

1 minute read time.

The following is an example of how to update a field, in this case an Oppo_OpportunityUId, via client side 'Custom Content' using an sdata2/sagecrm2 (CRUD) call. In this example the aim is to copy the hidden Opportunity Id to a new field so that it can be exposed to the end user as a unique reference identifier. We make use of the SID in order to bypass the need for authentication.

// Manage Opportunity UId field
if ($("#oppo_opportunityuid").length > 0)
// Edit Mode
var OppoId = parseInt(crm.getArg("Key7"));
var OppoUId = parseInt($("#oppo_opportunityuid").val());
if (!isNaN(OppoId) & & isNaN(OppoUId))
// View Mode
var OppoId = parseInt(crm.getArg("Key7"));
var OppoUId = parseInt($("#_HIDDENoppo_opportunityuid").val());
if (!isNaN(OppoId) & & (isNaN(OppoUId) || OppoUId == 0))
// Build the sdata2 url
var strUrl = crm.url(location.href, {parts:"sap"});
strUrl = strUrl.split("eware.dll")[0];
strUrl += "sagecrm2/-/opportunity('" + OppoId + "')";
strUrl += "?SID=" + crm.getArg("SID", crm.url());
// Build the data Object to update the UId
var objOppo = {
"Oppo_OpportunityUId": OppoId
// Ajax Update Call
type: "POST",
url: strUrl,
data: JSON.stringify(objOppo),
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
success: function(data) { $("#_Dataoppo_opportunityuid").text(data.oppo_OpportunityUID); },
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert("Failed to update UId: " + errorThrown); }

  • You can do it in c# using a WebRequest:

    WebRequest aWebRequest = WebRequest.Create("">localhost/.../company('43')");

    aWebRequest.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("Admin", "");

    WebResponse aWebResponse = aWebRequest.GetResponse();

    StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(aWebResponse.GetResponseStream());

    XmlDocument aXmlDoc = new XmlDocument();


    this.richTextBox1.Text = aXmlDoc.OuterXml;


  • You can do it in c# using a WebRequest:

    WebRequest aWebRequest = WebRequest.Create("">localhost/.../company('43')");

    aWebRequest.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("Admin", "");

    WebResponse aWebResponse = aWebRequest.GetResponse();

    StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(aWebResponse.GetResponseStream());

    XmlDocument aXmlDoc = new XmlDocument();


    this.richTextBox1.Text = aXmlDoc.OuterXml;


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